You’ll never get a second chance to make a first impression.
According to Business Insider, in real life, you only get 7 seconds to make it a good one.
What’s perhaps more interesting is that a number of the elements needed to make a good impression in real life, translate to the web too. For instance;
• Turning up on time = Page load speeds
• Introducing yourself = Clear branding
• Speaking clearly = Content that is easy to read
• Looking smart = Professional design
But how long do you get to strike a bit of rapport online?
Lots of numbers have been banded about, with one report claiming it takes just one-twentieth of a second to pass judgement.
As for turning up promptly, Last year Google told us that the average mobile landing page loads in a mind-numbing 15 seconds.
Rather worryingly for those sites, Google also discovered 53% of people will leave a mobile page if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load.
How’s your mobile experience holding up?
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